Today is an exciting day for me!
Today I was very excited to order a log burner for my living room! Now to some of you this may not sound like much to write a blog about, but for me it’s a stark reminder of how far I have come in the past five years. For me this is a milestone of more than just buying something for a home improvement.
Over the past couple of years since decluttering as the clutter has gone, I’ve seen the potential come back into my house. It’s allowed me the opportunity to dream about how my house actually could be, rather than just thinking nice houses are what other people have, not me. Once the clutter was gone my house almost ‘revealed’ itself to me, ok so a lot of walls, ceilings and doors had had to be replaced, but even then I don’t feel like it’s a waste of time doing it, I just feel like it’s another step forward.
Despite being in my house over 20 years, it’s only in the past five that I’ve been able to imagine how I want it to look one day and actually feel that it’s possible. I’ve got a plan for it (as a lot is structural and is going to come at a hefty cost) so it’s not going to happen overnight, but I know it WILL! Before I would’ve felt ‘what’s the point in trying?’ As doing some improvement wouldn’t really look like much had changed, and would be ruined by everything else, whereas now it feels like it’s a rung on the ladder climbed, and I’m heading towards my house being as I really want it!
I used Pinterest to get ideas which has really helped with my vision for each room. Be warned though, you can lose days on there 😂 it’s been great to get inspiration, style and decor ideas and really imagine how things could work in my house. Through the decluttering process, and by having a really strong vision I became much more decisive in my decision making process too. I trust myself now to go with what I REALLY want rather than by what my parents think I should have, or by what society says I should like.
A couple of years ago after decluttering my clothes, I started transforming my bedroom. I knew the feel I wanted, then came the colours, then came the furniture. Now it’s a room that just feels right. it’s what Marie Kondo would call being at ‘click point’. I will be doing a Facebook live soon in my community group on my wardrobe to show you how I organise it. (To join this private group click here) I’m also going to be creating a bespoke wardrobe design for my daughter room soon so head into the group so you can see the step by step progress there too!
Now my house is decluttered I know that now is the time to make it happen. I save up, and then sort it. It’s that simple. I no longer have to worry about the clutter being hidden away, or the embarrassment when trades people come around. When the man asked today when they could come around for a survey I found myself saying “as soon as possible” without hesitation! Before I doubt I would even have booked someone to come, and if I had I would’ve needed a few days off to make the house presentable before they did, hiding things in cupboards and making some rooms off limits by chucking everything in them! Now all I will do is make sure I’ve got milk in to offer him a cuppa and sit and wait. A life without clutter is so much calmer, and everything is just less stressful. It’s hard to believe how different it is until you live it. That’s why I want to help those of you that are living in clutter and feeling lost into transforming your rooms too.
There some really fabulous transformations happening in the group, come in and see how supportive they all are, and feel free to ask my advice if there’s something in your home that you need help decluttering or organising! Let me help you fall in love with your house again!
Much love
Heather x